

GPA’s Tom Mahoney Passes

Tom J. Mahoney, Jr. passed away January 20. Mahoney had served as assistant attorney general for the Georgia Ports Authority from 1987 until the time of his death. "For nearly three decades, Tom Mahoney helped steer GPA's growth and success with his wise counsel, knowledge of maritime issues and love of our ports. He will be missed," said Board Chairman Jimmy Allgood. [+]

James T. McDermott, Jr., PRPA Executive Director, Announces Retirement

James T. McDermott, Jr., executive director of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (PRPA), is retiring from PRPA on April 15, 2016. At that time, he will have served at PRPA for 25 years, almost 21 years of that as its executive director. McDermott joined PRPA as its Chief Counsel in 1991. ... [+]

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