

Global Shipping Responds to Seized Aries

The global ocean shipping industry is calling for release of crews from two vessels seized by Houthis and Iran authorities during an outbreak of attacks on seafarers in the Red Sea region.International Maritime Organization Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez on April 23 called for release of the crews of the MSC Aries and Galaxy Leader, essentially expanding the chorus following a joint industry letter to the United Nations Secretary General Antonio ... [+]

Shipping CEOs Call for Accelerating GHG Efforts

The CEOs of leading global shipping lines issued a joint declaration at COP 28 calling for an end date for fossil-only powered newbuilds, and urged the International Maritime Organization to create the regulatory conditions to accelerate the transition to green fuels.To achieve IMO’s 2030, 2040 and net-zero 2050 greenhouse gas ... [+]

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