

Agricultural Exporters Hamstrung and Losing Money due to Changes to “Earliest Return Dates”

A new research report from the DC-based Agriculture Transportation Coalition and TradeLanes, an advanced technology company that is streamlining global commodity trade, shows that ocean carriers’ uncommunicated changes to “Earliest Return Date” (the earliest date a loaded export container can be delivered to the carrier) are wreaking havoc on logistics teams and the bottom line of agricultural exporters across the US. In a survey conducted with hundreds of the top US ... [+]

C AgTC: Another Day, China Announces Another Threat to US Ag Exports

China has announced another list of US exports that will be subject to China import tariffs, if the US goes forward with the proposed punitive tariffs on China's exports. The full list contains 106 items, many of which are US agriculture exports, including beef, soybeans, corn, wheat, orange juice, tobacco, and ... [+]

SCPA President & CEO Named Person of the Year

The Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) recently named Jim Newsome, SCPA president and CEO, the first Person of the Year award recipient in the Coalition’s 28-year history. “Never has an individual so distinguished himself in a manner that will have such a positive impact on all participants in ocean shipping, shippers, carriers, ports ... [+]

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