
Air, Freight News, Logistics

Sterling Transportation Expands LAX Operations

[ September 22, 2023   //   ]

Sterling Transportation is now operating from a new freestanding facility in Los Angeles. The new location will accommodate the increase in transportation volume through its LAX hub. The 16-dock terminal is located just 3.5 miles east of LAX in Hawthorne at the nexus of the 405, 105, and 110 freeways and is more convenient for the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

The over 50,000 sq. ft. of fenced private yard means higher security, less congestion, and easier access. This space will support Sterling’s growing CFS business. Inside, the nearly 50,000 sq. ft. of storage is almost double its previous location. This will allow for additional storage and will greatly increase the throughput of the LAX terminal.

“This facility has a large secure yard and a significant increase in warehouse space. Both will allow for the expansion of our ocean market. We will have space to store containers outside and, inside, we will have a dedicated devanning area,” said Cristine Olvera, Executive Vice President of Administrations “The facility is very flexible which will greatly increase our efficiency. We will also be able to expand our storage options.”
