
Freight News, Road, Sea

Smart Phone Apps for Port of Oakland Harbor Truckers

[ April 8, 2016   //   ]

The Port of Oakland is launching two smart phone applications that could transform containerized cargo handling at seaports. The apps provide a highly anticipated tech-based calculation of harbor trucker turn times – an elusive industry metric.

The apps, DrayQ™ and DrayLink™, employ Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS technology. They tell drivers how long they’ll wait to enter marine terminal gates and how long their transactions will take. They give shippers a glimpse of the location and productivity of the drivers they hire.

Port officials say they commissioned apps to meet demand for accurate measurement of cargo pick-up and delivery times. These are known as turn-times in industry vernacular. The Port retained Reston, VA-based Leidos to license, deploy, and maintain the solution. It worked with the company to expand a wireless network throughout the Port to more closely connect the drayage truck community with marine terminal operators, cargo owners, and other stakeholders.

The smart phone apps will be available via Apple and Google app stores by the end of April. Bluetooth and WiFi technology supporting the apps has already been installed and tested.
