
Business, Freight News, Sea

POLB Wins 22 AAPA Awards!

[ November 23, 2015   //   ]

The Port of Long Beach won 22 awards for outstanding security, communications, and environmental programs at the 2015 Annual American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Awards in Miami in November. AAPA represents 160 of the leading seaport authorities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean, and more than 300 sustaining and associate members, firms and individuals with an interest in seaports.

“These awards are a source of tremendous pride for the Port of Long Beach,” said CEO Jon Slangerup. “Our team works tirelessly to advance Long Beach’s initiatives and projects. Being recognized not once, not twice, but 22 times by the North and South American port association is an exceptional salute from our peers.”

“Virtual Port,” a program that allows the Port’s security team to monitor the harbor with surveillance tools and shipping and transit data, won the AAPA Best Information Technology Award.

The “West Anaheim Street Improvement Project” won the Best Environmental Improvement Award. The project, which beautified and modernized a heavily traveled corridor in the harbor district, was recognized for its sustainable design and practices, which included drought-resistant landscaping and low-energy lighting. The project also featured public outreach to inform stakeholders during construction.

The Port of Long Beach’s trade and summer community advertising campaigns won for best advertisements. Both campaigns incorporated the tagline “Better Together,” which referred to the collaboration between the Port and its stakeholders to improve the harbor by making it a safe and efficient place to do business.

Marketing videos, educational programs, and a Wi-Fi/recharging station at the Breakbulk Americas 2014 conference each won praise. In all, the Port won 20 communications awards.

With an ongoing $4 billion program to modernize its facilities, the Port of Long Beach continues to build the Port of the Future, by investing in capital and service improvements that will bring long-term, environmentally sustainable growth.


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