Freight News, Sea
GT USA Wilmington Welcomes Motor Vessel Dole Maya
[ April 7, 2021 // Gary G Burrows ]GT USA Wilmington, the US-based operator of the Port of Wilmington, DE, welcomed the M/V DOLE MAYA on its first call at the Wilmington Marine Terminal on March 23.
Built in 2021, the “M/V DOLE MAYA” is named to recognize the indigenous people of the region the vessel serves, carrying Dole’s fresh exports to the valued customers and consumers of the South and Central United States. The vessel name represents Dole’s respect and admiration for the ethos of the cultures with which these regions were bestowed.
GT Wilmington’s CEO, Eric Casey presented plaques to mark the occasion to Master of the Vessel, Captain Dhruv Sharma and to Dole’s Terminal Manager, David Lennon.
“We are delighted to welcome the M/V DOLE MAYA to the Port of Wilmington on her maiden voyage. It is a testament to our strong relationship with the Dole group, as well as our combined commitment to our partnership in Wilmington, delivering the highest quality produce, operational efficiency, and value to the fresh fruit supply chain.”
With a capacity of over 900+ forty-foot equivalent units (FEUs) refrigerated containers the vessels are equipped with machinery that is not only economical in fuel consumption per container carried, but it was also built to meet strict emission mandates that demand a substantial reduction in greenhouse gases. The latest exhaust gas scrubbing technology is installed, resulting in 52% reduction of SOx emissions. While the propulsion and power plant engines are all certified TIER III compliant — achieving nearly 66% reduction in NOx emissions per FEU carried, when compared to the vessels built in 1989-1991.
“Today marks one more way we are providing fruit with a reduced carbon footprint as part of The Dole Way promise,” stated Nelson Montoya, president of Dole Fresh Fruit North America.
“DOLE MAYA is not only very economical in fuel and energy consumption, but also meets the strict present-day emission mandates that demand a substantial reduction in CO2, SO2 (SOx) and NO (NOx) gases.”
This introduction of environmentally conscious technology in ocean shipping assets is complemented by Dole’s programmed replacement of the existing container fleet with acquisitions of new modern equipment that are extremely energy efficient, reducing power consumption from 6KW to as low as 2KW per FEU depending on carriage mode. These achievements, along with the numerous social responsibility and sustainability projects implemented and underway, puts Dole in the forefront of innovation and continuous improvement, and highlights their ongoing commitment to conduct business responsibly through the entire supply chain from farm to plate, with respect for the planet and its inhabitants.
GT Wilmington has its own robust corporate social responsibility strategy, which has seen them introduce newer, environmentally friendly cargo handling equipment, water recycling, waste reduction and energy conserving programs across their terminals, which will benefit the terminal and the surrounding communities.

Tags: Dole Maya, GT USA Wilmington