Feature, Freight News, Sea
Galveston Expands West Port Cargo Complex
[ August 30, 2024 // Gary G Burrows ]Galveston Wharves has started more than US$90 million in phased construction work to improve and expand its West Port Cargo Complex and grow its cargo business.
Funded by port revenues and a US$36 million Texas government grant, the work will add 30 acres of cargo-handling area and a new 1,424-foot berth. The port will enclose two outdated slips and demolish a decommissioned grain elevator to open more land for cargo, particularly roll-on/roll-off and wind turbine pieces.
The port’s 20-year strategic master plan also includes updating decaying or underused infrastructure and to maximize undeveloped acreage to grow its cargo business.
“We’re on the cusp of a new era of cargo growth for Galveston,” said Rodger Rees, Galveston Wharves port director and CEO. “For the first time in decades, the Galveston Wharves and its partners have the opportunity to develop our cargo business to its full potential, generating hundreds of new jobs and tremendous economic growth for the region.”
Rees recognized the Texas Department of Transportation Maritime Division and the International Longshoremen’s Union, as well as state and federal officials and the port’s cargo tenants for their support.
Galveston Mayor Craig Brown said that, in addition to the US$90 million project, the port has begun work this summer on its fourth cruise terminal, expected to cost US$151 million.
“That’s a total of almost US$250 million. This is a phenomenal milestone for our 199-year-old port and for the city of Galveston,” Brown said.
Improvement Projects
West Port Cargo Complex. The port has begun phased work this summer, including filling and paving the slips and building the new berth, the length of four football fields. It will be funded with port cash reserves and the US$36 million Texas DOT grant.
Grain Elevator Demolition. The port expects to begin demolition of a decommissioned grain elevator at Pier 30/33 this year to expand the West Port Cargo Complex. The port will use some space prior to demolition.
Port Houston Partnership. The Galveston Wharves and the Port of Houston Authority have formed a joint team to explore development opportunities on Pelican Island under a memorandum of understanding approved by both governing bodies.
The Galveston Wharves owns more than 300 undeveloped acres on Pelican Island, including 2,500 linear feet of shoreline with deep-water access. The PHA owns nearly 1,000 acres adjacent to Wharves property.
“This move is mutually beneficial and forward-looking. Both ports have long held undeveloped acreage on Pelican Island, so it makes sense to look at ways to work together to identify opportunities,” Rees said.
Pelican Island Bridge. One major hurdle to developing hundreds of acres on Pelican Island is its decaying, 60-year-old bridge. Building a new bridge will create growth opportunities for the Galveston Wharves, while providing safe, reliable transportation infrastructure for the major maritime industries and the Texas A&M University campus located on the island.
“Building up our cargo business ensures a strong, diversified port and better-paying jobs for everyone involved in moving cargo in and out of the Port of Galveston,” Rees said.
Located at the entrance to Galveston Bay and the Houston Ship Channel, just 45 minutes from the open seas, the Port of Galveston has provided a maritime commercial center since 1825. The port also leases and maintains a wide range of cargo facilities on the deep-water Galveston Harbor, which is ranked among the top 50 busiest U.S. cargo waterways.

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