
Air, Freight News

Emirates SkyCargo Joins CargoiQ

[ April 1, 2016   //   ]

Emirates SkyCargo is taking a leading role to foster quality standards in the worldwide air cargo industry by becoming a member of CargoiQ. Henrik Ambak, Senior Vice President for Emirates’ Cargo Operations Worldwide is also taking the position as CargoiQ board member.
CargoiQ is an IATA group of over 80 key global air cargo players whose mission is to collaboratively create industry standards that would result in reliable and timely delivery of shipments throughout the entire air transport supply chain.
In recent years, CargoiQ has developed solid initiatives, including the Master Operating Plan, which was conceptualized to support the implementation of quality management processes and metrics. As a start, the company will adopt the Master Operating Plan into its shipment cycle management.
The Master Operating Plan has been endorsed by IATA as a recommended practice and therefore accepted as the air cargo industry standard description of the end-to-end transportation process from shipper to consignee.
