
Business, Freight News, Logistics

CEVA expands UK Centre of Logistics Excellence and celebrates 10th birthday

[ October 10, 2017   //   ]

To jointly celebrate its tenth birthday and to enhance the scope of its training and education capabilities, CEVA Logistics, one of the world’s largest supply chain management companies, has launched its newly expanded European Centre of Logistics Excellence in the presence of key customers and suppliers.

Guests and customers heard from key speakers including CEVA’s Executive Vice President in the UK, Ireland and Nordics, Michael O’Donoghue on the last decade of supply chain and also from Dr Witold Bahr from Aston University on the role of academia in supply chain. The day focused heavily on exploring new technologies within the industry and one of the highlights was when CEVA’s Vice President for IT, Olivier Choquet, took guests through live demonstrations of desktop robots connecting to a virtual assistant, Internet of Things buttons, virtual reality tours of CEVA warehouses and showed footage of how drone technology can be used effectively in warehouses.

Guests also had the opportunity to tour the refreshed Centre which includes a live ‘final mile’ demonstration, an interactive warehouse area and presentations on all aspects of a supply chain.

Following the launch, guests joined CEVA’s UK, Ireland and Nordics Board for a BBQ lunch to celebrate the companies tenth birthday and to toast to the next decade of partnerships.

